Business FBT Toolkit
Fringe Benefits Tax is an area of increased ATO audit activity, not to mention it’s notoriously complex. Not getting it right can be costly so we’ve put together a number of resources to help you finalise your accounts for this current FBT year, and reset...
Fringe Benefits Tax Exempt Benefits
You’re probably aware that Fringe Benefits Tax (FBT) is a tax that employers pay on certain benefits provided to their employees. However, there are certain benefits that are exempt from FBT, known as FBT exempt benefits. These benefits can provide a cost-effective...
Working from home? Changes to claiming Work From Home (WFH) deductions effective 1 March 2023.
In recent years, there have been three ways you can claim deductions for expenses incurred while working from home – The Actual Method: You claim the actual amount of expenses by keeping records and written evidence to determine the work-related proportion of actual...