Whether it’s ensuring you’re keeping up with Australia’s complex HR and workplace laws, or that you’re giving your team the guidance and mentor-ship they need to grow themselves, and your business – working with people presents a myriad of challenges, and opportunities.

We’re sharing a number of resources to help you to get your ‘HR house’ in order.

Career Planning

Research shows that professional training and development is rated as one of the top reasons why staff stick around.

That’s why every now and then it’s important to give your employees a chance to take a step back, reflect and focus on what career goals they want to hit for the period ahead. A focus on performance review and career planning helps set the tone for the coming yperiod. But it’s more than just a yearly touch base – it needs constant monthly mentoring updates to keep things in check, it’s not a set and forget.

We’ve created a simple, yet effective goal setting framework your team can use – click here to read the original post and access the template.

If you’re looking for an interactive tool to include in your career planning activities, we’ve also found this useful free tool at www.16personalities.com – it takes about 5 minutes, and gives you an accurate description of who you are and why you do things the way you do – quite helpful when you’re looking at developing your career.

Mentoring Programs

Monthly mentoring offers the opportunity to check in with your staff regularly to provide (and receive) feedback on how things are going. These conversations should be focused on the team members development and progress – however if there is something causing issues, it’s best to discuss it sooner rather than later, so pull the meeting forward if you need to.

Below are some conversation-starter questions that form the base for our monthly mentoring program. If you’d like to explore further, we have a toolbox of resources we’re happy to share – please contact our office.

Monthly Mentoring Touch Base

Typically you can expect the conversation to touch on these style of questions –

  • How’s it going?
  • What are you working on? (talking through your development plan points)
  • Is there anything we can do to help support you / more training?
  • Have you identified any special interest areas?
  • Are there any issues we need to consider eg interlock, communication, clients, etc?
  • Have you identified any systems that can be improved / streamlined?
  • What’s your goal this month?
  • What does that mean to you?
  • How bridge the gap / approach?
  • How are you going to reward yourself?


The articles, templates, and media posted on this blog do not give business, accounting, taxation or financial planning advice and should not be relied upon as such. The articles are intended to provide information in a summary form and are general in nature. Formal business, accounting, taxation or financial planning advice should be sought in particular matters. O’Connells OBM Pty Ltd accepts no liability in respect of this information and any person acting solely on the information contained within does so entirely at their own risk.